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Aziende agricole Gangitano

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From Agrigento's hills to Catania's lowlands we express at best the different peculiarities of our territory.
Sicily, mythical and fertile land, has always been the object of desire and conquest by the most different cultures. in millennia Phoenicians, greeks, romans, arabs, normans and many others have enriched its customs, economy and agricultural activities.
Our estates are located in the province of Agrigento and Catania.
about half an hour from "the valley of the temples", in the territory of Canicattì, a town of Arab origin and famous for the production of the "Italia" grape, there is the ancient estate "Guccione", a pleasant farm about 430 meters above sea level. It' s soils are rich and permeable and there is an almost century-old olive grove with 200 plants of native cultivars.
not far from Agrigento, in the naro's countryside, an ancient state town, lies the estate 'torretta". Here, at about 380 meters, almond, wheat and olive trees rest on a slight and fertile hill, growing healthy and vigorous.
Located on the bustling hills of the Licata's countryside, between 200 and 230 meters on sea level, the "La Catena" farm is a landmark for the cultivation of olive trees, almonds, pistachios, table grapes and wine grapes. hard wheat, chickpeas and citrus. Thanks to its very fertile and well drained lands, rich of organic substances, our skilled labors and sustainable agricultural practices, we obtain refined gastronomic excellences.
For the protection of the landscape and biodiversity we decided to keep some areas called "puntali" uncultivated, in which among boulders, flowers, wild asparagus and pot herbs, it is not rare to see hares, foxes and rabbits.
In the plain of catania, not far from caltagirone, the city of ceramics, is located the estate "FIco d'india". at about 100 meters on sea level with its first class sandy soils, rich in nutrients deriving from the ancient eruptions of the volcano Etna, we cultivate luxuriant wheat, olive trees and citrus.

Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano

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Aziende agricole Gangitano

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Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano

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Aziende agricole Gangitano

Aziende agricole Gangitano
aziendeagricolegangitano® di Carlo Gangitano P.Iva 01616150841
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